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oomlaut wins 'superhero' board for £105!

I ran an informal auction for one of two ' superhero' boards over on Twitter. After a lot of fun and puns, oomlaut had the top bid of £105! All the funds from this auction will go towards PCBmodE development. I'm sincerely thankful for oomlaut and the other wonderful folk for placing bids, and for their interest in and support of my work at Boldport. This is really encouraging. As with most of the boards I design, 'superhero' is open source. Get the source files from here, and make one for your own! (If you want to support PCBmodE dev, look here.)

But the story doesn't quite end here. When Aaron from oomlaut saw the board I've designed for ' Wuthering Bytes' he contacted me suggesting that I make another board. I started asking about oomlaut branding for it but Aaron said that he just wants me to make more nice boards so that he could sell them on his online shop, and that he'll send me a "few components" from his stock. A week later I receive a huge box full of components that could stock a small lab, even including an Arduino programmer. I protested that I should pay for it, but Aaron wouldn't have it. So, I thank oomlaut for their support. But much more importantly in my view, is the community spirit that fuel such gestures. It's going to take all of us to better places!