Tiny 'engineer superhero' emergency kit

Tiny 'engineer superhero' emergency kit
Product Description
The tiny engineer superhero emergency kit will save you. Recall the countless times you desperately needed a 1 KOhm resistor to fix an amplifier at a party, only to see whoever you were trying to impress slip away with an OCaml programmer? Never again with this little kit. Consider the times when you were too drunk to recall Ohm's Law, yet was called in to fix a spaceship's control system. V=IR is written on the board to rescue you into awesomeness in spite of your inebriated state.
The Tiny 'engineer superhero' emergency kit was project #2 of the Boldport Club.
What’s included
1x circuit board (37.3x37x1.6 mm, ENIG finish)
1x 1KΩ resistor
1x 220Ω resistor
1x 0.1µF capacitor (0.1 uF)
1x 2N7000 n-channel MOSFET
1x 3mm yellow LED
This is a soldering project; the components need to be cut to size and soldered into place to create a working circuit (the LED lights up!). Also included are two compressed cellulose sponges that snugly fit in the tin when wet, and will help you clean your soldering iron! For more information and assembly instructions, head over to the board's wiki page.
Additional information
Community contributions for this project
Open source circuit board design files